
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 staff editing the website, 社交媒体, 印刷材料, 宣传材料, 等. 应该坚持的标准 美联社样本, which is accessible to the Bryn Mawr Community through 三脚架.

See the below list for deviations from the 美联社样本 and issues unique to the College.

Exceptions to AP Style and Bryn Mawr Specific Rules

使用 the ° mark in headlines and marketing material. 的 degree symbol may be omitted in body text.

Capitalization of Academic department names

Department names are capitalized when referring specifically to the department, 不是针对主题. 

  • 地质系.
  • 的 geology department is highly regarded.
  • 她是地质学专业的学生.


缩短部分部门 & School 的名字/使用 of Acronyms in Headlines and Upon Second Reference. 

Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology -- Archaeology

French and Francophone Studies -- French


艺术与科学研究生院 -- GSAS

研究生 School of Social Work -- GSSWSR

Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies -- Classics

城市的成长与结构 -- Cities

Latin American, Iberian, and Latina/o Studies -- LAILS


 Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and North African Studies -- MECAN

跨国意大利研究 -- Italian



女毕业生/我 is preferred over alumnae when referring to a group of graduates. 也可以使用明矾.

使用 alumnae if it is part of an existing name or title such as the 女校友公告.

使用 “scholar-athlete” 而不是 “student-athlete.”

使用 the above formatting when referring to the College's partnerships with Haverford College (Bi-Co) and Swarthmore (Tri-Co).

If writing for a general audience, explanatory text may be needed on first reference.

Bi-College财团 between 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 and nearby Haverford College has been a close collaborative 的关系 for decades, 通常被称为 Bi-Co.

Tri-College 的关系 包括斯沃斯莫尔学院. 下 Tri-Co, the three schools share an academic calendar and wide cross registration.


使用 of BMC should be avoided in any public-facing writing. In headlines and other instances with a character count, try to use Bryn Mawr without "College".   

In accordance with AP Style, when referencing a specific date, such as 1月. 20, 2017,缩写 1月.2月.8月.9月.10月.11月.12月. 拼出 三月,四月,五月,六月,七月.



使用 标题的情况 在写课程名称时. Do not italicize or use quotation marks.



When referring to a particular class, such as the Class of 2023, capitalize the “C."


When referring to 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, the word "College" is capitalized (e.g., 高校图书馆).

Undergraduate alumnae/i are 通讯only identified with their class year (e.g.——辛迪·谢(Cindy Chea, 22岁). If writing an article, include field of study in the body text.

的一个.B. undergraduate degree is generally not used unless accompanied by the M.A. (参见下面的例子).

研究生 alumnae examples (note 通讯a):

  • Jaclyn Lang, A.B./M.A. '09
  • JoAnne Fischer, M.S.S. '73
  • 达纳·贝克尔,69岁,硕士.S.S. ’82, Ph.D. ’91

When limited for space, use terminal degree and note full degree information in the article.



M.D./D.O. 会跟Ph一样的标点符号吗.D.



Though most Bryn Mawr professors have doctorates, we generally use the title “Dr."只给医生看.

Exclamation points should be used rarely if at all in anything other than 社交媒体 posts.

使用 lower case for most majors (“She majored in history”).

Some majors are unique to Bryn Mawr or contain proper nouns. 这些应该大写.





拼写 Mawrter is preferred when using the informal term for a member of the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 通讯unity (usually students or alumnae/i), 而不是 Mawrtyr.

使用 last names on second reference on the website and most publications. First name may be used on 社交媒体 and promotional/admissions material depending upon context.  

We do use the Oxford 通讯a (serial 通讯a). 

Example: Majors at Bryn Mawr include biology, chemistry, and geology.

If someone is in a doctoral program, they are a Ph.D. 或者博士生. When they complete coursework and start dissertation they become a Ph.D. 或者博士候选人.

Do not capitalize unless the title is directly in front of the name. 的 name of an office or department in a job title should be capitalized. 


地质学教授Arlo Weil

Professor Arlo Weil, chair of the 地质系

Arlo Weil, professor and chair of the 地质系




不要使用通用的“教授”. 使用 assistant professor, associate professor, or professor when appropriate. For readability in an article, place honorific titles at the end of an article. 



Italicize titles of books, newspapers, magazines, plays, operas, films, music albums, 等. (This is a departure from AP Style, which uses quote marks.) In Drupal, use single quotes to denote italics when italics can’t be used.


电视节目的标题要用斜体字. 使用 quote marks for individual episodes.

播客和博客标题斜体. 使用 quote marks for individual episodes or blog posts.

使用 quote marks for poems, songs, and individual articles in a publication.

Italicize websites that are essentially online publications.


Should be written without the  “www” since you can identify it as a website by the “.com”“.edu”等.


Have a question or is there something you'd like to see listed? 电子邮件 news@daves-studio.com.




101 N. 梅里恩大街.
招生: admissions@daves-studio.com 

221 N. 罗伯茨路